Sunday, November 14, 2010

We're moving!

So, after much procrastinating, I'm finally moving and expanding my blog to a new address with more bells and whistles. From now on, you will find me at For those of you who are "followers" you can feel free to sign up for the RSS feed on my new blog (in the bottom right corner) which is, as far as I can tell, what happens when you become a follower. I'm very sorry to make you change the address if you have me in your bookmarks, but hopefully this address will be even easier to remember. I'll miss you blogger, but I think it's time to move on!


Violette said...

Your new blog is great, but it won't take my comment... :( I hope it's just a temporary problem!

sestissimo said...

Hi Violette - it was just that the instructional text was invisible on the comments page of the new blog - but I fixed it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention! You don't even have to be a member to leave a comment now - just write your name (or any name you choose) and the comment and click "post" and you should be all set. Let me know if you have any more problems - Please keep all your comments coming!! - Jenny